Agenda for Proposal Overflow Call June 11, 2024

GM folks. Following the community call on June 4, we ran out of time to cover all governance activity since the Foundation reviewed the Q1 Transparency Report details. Thus, we scheduled an overflow call for Tuesday, June 11 to cover the leftover topics. Below is the agenda. Note one additional item from the foundation covering Ecosystem Growth that we will only spend a few minutes on so the bulk of the call will be focused on the forum topics not covered last week.

Ecosystem growth

  • Quick overview of ecosystem growth initiatives so the community has insight to the high-level roadmap for the remainder of 2024. Particularly for discussion with Dzonson’s recent post, which is listed under the topics for tomorrow - Discussion: Reviving RARI Chain: A Call for Community Action.

Proposals/governance activity

Other topics

  • Jaris topic TBD
  • Community discussion