Bonjour. I am Tagan, a teacher based in Atlanta. I want to become a RARI Foundation delegate to gain more experience with DAO Tooling such as Tally and Snapshot. Additionally, I am passionate about bringing art education to my local community. In 2021, I minted my first NFT while completing the KERNEL Block III Fellowship. Later that year, I purchased my first NFT at a digital art auction on Telegram. Since then, I have minted over 100 art-utility NFTs on multiple platforms. Additionally, I am a technical writer. In 2022, I co-authored the Bancor V3 Developer Guides and a blog series on Gitcoin’s Proof of Personhood Protocol. My skills and passion for art curation, NFT user experience, and technical writing make me a great candidate to grow with the RARI Foundation.
ENS Wallet: thetagan.eth (0x51d8AcFd750d97dd3c9CA0074e8d6f63f1153681)
Please see my commentary on recent proposals below:
RRC-0: Introducing the RARI Foundation and Fully On-Chain Governance for RARI DAO - Process
The core values of this proposal are independence, on-chain governance, and aligning long-term vision with incentives.
In regards to independence, this is an important step toward decentralization. Also, it will expand the possibilities of the community by protecting contractual relationships and implementing grants.
Generally, on-chain governance creates a more transparency and is more binding than off-chain voting. This choice seems to be a more scalable solution than Reddit or Twitter. Yet, we do run into the concern of coin-voting. Our task will be monitoring the RARI token holders to ensure that a handful of accounts are not holding a majority of the RARI tokens. If an account gained a significant amount of RARI, how would this influence the democracy of the Foundations operations? Perhaps, we can mitigate this by putting a voting maximum. This may disincentivize locking $RARI at first, however, there may be another incentive for large token holders like reduced gas fees. Another option would be to try different voting mechanisms such as quadratic voting. Though this method is susceptible to sybil attacks, by implementing proof of personhood protocols we can mitigate these risks.
Lastly, NFT communities have summoned many“bad actors” on all sides of the field. I urge the community to create content that describes our long-term vision. This will help weed out proposals that just don’t fit the community. Additionally, it will call others that are aligned with this vision to the community. Once the vision is clear, we can develop the best way to incentives these behaviors.
RRC-1: Introducing veRARI and Voting - Process
I like that the mechanism uses staking. It ensures that voters have “buy in.” In order to ensure that there is a balance among token voters, RARI may consider implementing staking pools or introducing new methods for obtaining RARI. Also, I like that the formula ensures that the initial veRARI amount will be at least 20% of the locked tokens. Due to the way the tokens are released this seems fair. It seems that the veRARI amount will increase based on the length of the cliff period and the rate of the slope. This makes sense because it incentives holding tokens. It does make me wonder, is it good to incentive locking up RARI? How will that impact liquidity? After the tokens are used for voting, are they reintroduced to the ecosystem or burned? Another option to consider experimenting with is NFT staking.
RRC-2: $RARI listing & trading incentives in collections voted on by veRARI holders - Ecosystem Fund Allocation
I love this. Introducing community voting to avoid spreading incentives thin will also help collect data on what type of NFT collections the community values. I would suggest adding a wild card to this batch as well. Perhaps this is a vote held on Twitter by RT (Of course, there is a potential for bots, so maybe there is a better platform for this than Twitter… maybe Common Ground). This would allow members of the NFT community that do not own RARI yet a chance to have their voices heard. This would ensure that we cater to our current community, and help onboard new players. Also, I agree that is important to incentive buyers. In fact, most artists are buyers as well. Perhaps, collectors can gain RARI for having the best NFT curations in a VR gallery.
These comments are my first impressions based on the knowledge I have on governance systems. I encourage questions and comments to help spark discussion. As a delegate, I would look to learn from our community to better lead voting decisions.