Welcome! Start your journey here!

Learn about our DAO and Rarible Protocol

TLDR of Rarible DAO

DAO Whitepaper (work in progress)

DAO Newsletter Sign up to stay up to date

Rarible Protocol Information

Protocol Documentation

Protocol Support

Protocol Overview Video

Working in the Rarible DAO Community

NOTE: if you want to get PAID for work in the DAO, you will need to get a proposal approved FIRST! Proposals asking for work already done are going to be rejected.

How to work with Rarible DAO?

Our Working Groups

If you would like to add our weekly call schedule to your google calendar, here is the link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/4?cid=Y19sZnRlaThtNThjODhuZmZqcjZsdTM2bTM2NEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t
Alternatively, you can try (for those who don’t use google calendar): https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/c_lftei8m58c88nffjr6lu36m364%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics

Looking for Funding?

Rarible DAO gives grants to projects building on the protocol ranging from 10K to 100K. See links below for more information.

Proposal Process

Proposal Template

Useful Links and Places

Discord: The crazy place we discuss within the community

Medium: Where we write, occasionally

Our Website: Our website

Notion: Is our source of evolving truth

Our Governance Forum: For longer discussions on important topics

Snapshot: Where we vote on things (note, each working group also has their instance of Snapshot)

Twitter: Where we tweet

Other documents

Branding Assets

Token Information (needs updating)


Good project. I dont get airdrop , please


Thanks you are looking good jooob