Transparency Report for Mintpad - Milestone 1

Transparency Report for Mintpad - Milestone 1
Grants Program Sprint #1 awardee

Date: August 29, 2024

Amount: $7500 USD equivalent in RARI

Disbursed: $2500 USD equivalent in RARI disbursed to date for completion of Milestone 1. $2500 disbursed on the completion of this transparency report. $2500 to be distributed upon integrating the RARI API, Milestone 2.

Transaction link to first distribution:

Project Overview: Our project, funded by the Rari Foundation, aimed to develop and integrate comprehensive NFT creator tools for the RARI chain. The primary focus was to provide creators with a user-friendly, no-code platform to mint and manage their NFT collections on RARI, thereby enhancing the ecosystem and lowering the barrier to entry for NFT creation.

Milestones Achieved:

  1. NFT Creator Tools Development:
  • Successfully integrated NFT creator tools for RARI chain mainnet & testnet
  • Implemented 3 distinct smart contract types.
  • Provided creators with full control over their contracts and associated information.
  • Developed an easy-to-use, no-code platform for NFT creation and management.
  • Designed custom collection pages for minters.
  • Full suite of tools on both RARI mainnet & testnet.
  1. Support Infrastructure: Established a dedicated support to assist users via Discord, X direct messages or dedicated email:

  2. Community Engagement:

  • Promoted partnership and grant award on social media platforms.
  • Collaborated with other Grants Program Sprint #1 awardees in the RARI Discord.
  • Participated in X (formerly Twitter) spaces hosted by RARI.

Current Status: Mintpad has met Milestone 1 with the NFT creator tools fully integrated and operational on the RARI chain.

Next Steps:

  • Integration of the RARI API.
  • Support and growth of RARI NFT creators.
  • On-going transparency reporting, as needed.

Summary: Mintpad has successfully delivered on its grant objectives, providing valuable tools and infrastructure to the RARI ecosystem on both mainnet & testnet. The integration of our NFT creator tools has significantly enhanced the RARI chain by lowering the barrier to entry for NFT creation, providing creators with more control and flexibility over their NFT projects, and increasing user engagement through custom collection pages and dedicated support.

We appreciate the support from the Rari Foundation and look forward to continuing our contribution to the growth and development of the RARI network.

Best Regards, Mintpad Team


Thanks for the update, look forward to the platform :+1: