
Thanks for the clarifications! Looking forward to seeing the updated proposal.

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I appreciate the effort that went into drafting this proposal—it’s well thought out, but I have several concerns:

  • Lack of Incentives for Artists : The proposal doesn’t offer clear rewards for artists, which are essential for genuine engagement.
  • Focus on Farming : This feels like another farming rewards program, which may attract reward farmers more than genuine artists or collectors.
  • Competes with Rarible.com : DROPable seems to overlap with Rarible.com, potentially creating internal competition. We should aim to complement, not compete, with our existing platform.
  • Wait for Rarible V2 : It might be prudent to hold off until Rarible V2 is launched, which could provide a better framework for growth.
  • Staking to Artists : I support the idea of staking $RARI to artists, similar to SuperRare’s model, and having this staking influence Foundation Governance.
  • Revamping the Rarible Image : Instead of investing in farming programs, the funds could better serve a refresh of the Rarible brand, appealing to a wider audience, including high-profile influencers like Heidi Klum.
  • Need for a Media Hub : We should establish a media hub akin to Bankless but focused on art and NFTs. This hub could regularly provide updates, interviews, articles, and videos, highlighting new drops, artists’ creative processes, and events like Crypto Fashion Week 2025. Relying solely on Twitter for art news isn’t sufficient.
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Hey there! Thanks for the feedback, but I’m not sure how you came to this conclusion. As I mentioned in my earlier reply, the focus of this program is on artists. We’re creating an organic competition for creators/artists where they’ll earn points when people mint their collections, and also for spreading the word on socials. Their community can earn points through a referral system as well. Our goal is to motivate creators to put effort into their collections, as higher quality naturally leads to higher value. We need creators to be active on socials and build communities—something we desperately lack on Rari Chain.

Years ago, I was a $RARI farmer myself, and that’s how I discovered this ecosystem. Now, I’m here as a delegate and active user. Unfortunately, not many have followed a similar path. It’s crucial to have a quality product to retain users. For instance, a lot of traffic was driven to Rari Chain through the Galxe campaign, but none of the new users were interested in the product, and out of thousands of new wallets, none stayed for more than a week.

I’m not sure how this conclusion was reached, and since it’s not the first comment of its kind, I feel it’s important to address it. Rarible is planning to shift META to multichain, aiming to acquire and assert dominance on other chains. Rari Chain is not their priority, and it’s uncertain whether they’ll even focus on Rari Chain at all. It’s not of interest to them since the chain is currently dead. Here, we want to come together as a DAO to revive and reignite traffic and content. The most logical approach is to incentivize creators, followed by encouraging usage and reach of the drops.

Incentives for usage are still, in 2024, the most effective way to drive traffic and build a user base. What better “brand refresh” is there than becoming relevant on the charts and having more than 0 users daily? :smile: Influencers can certainly coexist, but relying solely on their reach won’t suffice in my opinion.

Honestly, I don’t understand the logic of voting yes months ago on a half-million-dollar grant for apps on Rari Chain that solve none of the issues and won’t change the fact that Rari Chain is dead, yet now, allocating funds to actually bring users to Rari Chain is seen as an issue. Not to mention that these funds are already in a custodial wallet after the passing of RRC-7, where you voted yes to allocate them for incentive programs.

To make it clear for anyone reading this: If we, as a DAO, don’t come together with a way to bring activity to Rari Chain, it will remain irrelevant and dead. This proposal might not be the best version of what we can achieve together, so let’s discuss it and adapt it. I hope this clarifies things.

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Thanks @forexus for the proposal, there was obviously much work put in the design, and you’re already in coordination with the foundation folks. That’s a great initiative.

At first glance, I would support @andreitr’s idea to start with a short term MVP, just in terms of the size of the project.

And are you planning on a presentation in the community call? A breakdown of the mechanism might help to clarify some of the details.

And generally, are you calculating in RARI or USD? There’s some of both in the proposal. For such a long-term project, it might be good to keep in mind price changes of the token.

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Call me blind but I only see the artists mentioned once here

Could you please point out where the line items are show that artist get any of the things you talk about, I don’t see it.

I think this program will attract people while it’s live, but the second it ends they go away too. What’s the reason to stick around after the rewards are gone? Where is the fun reason that keeps people coming back for more?

This conclusion is reached by dropable being a 3rd party service that wants to develop a competing front end. Rarible is already permissionless and easy to mint on. The only cool thing dropable is doing is letting you lock up Rari on your favorie artsits. However I think locking up RARI and not have it count toward governance is a horrible idea.
Yes, Rari Chain is fairly dead at the moment. Sure we can throw money at people, they will show up as long as we pay them, but they will leave the moment they find greener pastures. That is what all the past rewards programs have taught me, handing out $$ as a way to attract long term users is dumb it never works. This program looks like all the other ones, just a bit more refined, What we are doing is handing out money as a way to attract attention. There has to be a better way to attract users than to throw money at them.

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I hope you understand what I wrote down @Firefly808 , the whole system runs on Artists. They get permissionless access to a launch pad, they are able to get exposure ($RARI locking) for their drops, they will earn $ and points in the Reward system when someboody mints.

You can not create a drop or minting page through Rarible.com, please do your research.

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We will try out best to explain it more in Tuesday’s community call. Would love to see you there.

Unfortunately this whole project is costly to create, however, the longer it will run, the more revenue it will generate for the treasury and everyone that will participate in to it. To achieve maximum results, its recommended to run this campaign as long as possible.

Looking to the budget, calculations were done in USD to determine how much $RARI we would approximately need in order to fund this project.
Looking to point calculation, points are predetermined on drops, however, they can be boosted once $RARI will be soft staked.
On the secondary market points will be tied to USD value. How much was your secondary sale worth in USD at the time of sale? That will determine the amount of points.
Looking to $RARI locking/soft staking, points are also predetermined.
The ultimate goal would be that the $RARI token will rise significantly in price during the campaign since people will be actively using it to curate drops and farm rewards. Sell offs will always happen, however it will be more profitable to use your earned $RARI in upcoming seasons, to farm more rewards.
Right now the market has dropped already since we made this proposal, and there are not much bright signs that will start an upward trend. We can be this shining star in this bear market, this winter.


This is exactly why we focus on the RARI Chain only.

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I’m excited about this proposal. I like that it aims to bring revenue back to the DAO and provides a simple way for artists and creators to mint NFTs, which should boost activity on Rari Chain. I also like the idea of the point system as well, and that points will be converted into $RARI, and that incentives are provided for locking RARI, such as increasing visibility for drops and point earning potential.


Thank you for your positive feedback :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the clarifications. I hope we have some time in the next call to go through in more detail, since it’s on the complex side. I still would opt for a conservative approach with an MVP. Appreciate the initiative though and love the general direction to where this is going :+1:

Would this change with the RARI token upgrade? Just checking in to see if there have been any thoughts on that

It would change in a good way. Meaning that now $RARI won’t be locked and people could participate in both governance and the program itself.

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