Proposal to optionally restrict the mint of tokens


Allow projects to restrict who is allowed to mint a new token in their collection. This would ensure the possibility of having a restricted collection.

Problem / Opportunity

The current contracts let everyone mint NFTs. Some projects require restricting this feature to specific users, but it is currently impossible. This directly impacts the quality of NFTs listed on the platform.

This is also a blocking requirement for my company Liteflow. Some of the platforms we are discussing expect to restrict the minting process to admin, partners, or specific users.

This issue seems to be a problem for other Rarible users, as you can see in this discussion I’ve initiated on Github:

Thanks to the current smart contract architecture, once this feature is finalized, all the existing collections will be able to opt-in for it, so it will be required not to have any breaking change.

Funding Milestones and Payments

Milestones & payments:

  • Phase 1: Analyse smart contracts - 1 day
  • Phase 2: Add mint restriction (while still preserving the default option to be public) - 3 days
  • Phase 3: Add support for off-chain authorization - 3 days
  • Phase 4: Update of the documentation related to these changes - 1 day

Total days of work: 8 days

Price: $12,000

Payments will be made to the following Ethereum address: 0x34EE3a64eab0D2Ae5d447e1fF94Ab6cf8136Fbce

We consider ourselves independent contractors of the Rarible DAO and will report taxes accordingly. Forms W8-BEN and W9 will be filled out accordingly before funds get distributed to Liteflow.

Use of funds

Funds will be used to pay for the research and development of this feature done by Liteflow.

However, the funds will not include the smart contract deployment as Liteflow will not upgrade the existing smart contracts.

Business Model

The business model of Liteflow is to sell white-labeled NFT Marketplace based on the Rarible Protocol. Our customers expect a Rarible-like platform but customized to their own needs. We also provide development services for blockchain projects, more details on

Team Members

The contact person for this project is Anthony Estebe. The contact information is, and the Discord handle is antho1404 | Liteflow#2211

How long has your team worked together? What other projects have you worked on?

Our team has worked on Liteflow for the past 2 years. During this time, we worked on various blockchain projects like NFTs, real-time monitoring of blockchain apps and transactions, and blockchain automation. Before that, the core team worked for 3 years on a custom blockchain for decentralized executions MESG.


Liteflow will participate in discussions in Discord and Github. The work will be pushed on Github and can be verified and accepted by the Rarible team.

Why should Rarible DAO fund this?

We believe this feature is required for many NFT projects. Once implemented, it will help the acquisition of the Rarible protocol by projects that want to create restricted collections.

Useful Links & Media

Liteflow company
Liteflow white-labeled NFT Marketplace

1 Like

This is very important to me too!!! Thanks!

Pull request for milestone of phase 2 created: Minter Access Control by NicolasMahe · Pull Request #105 · rarible/protocol-contracts · GitHub