OSPN - Transparency Report (Beyond PFPs)

Transparency Report for OSPN

Date: July 16, 2024

Grant Amount: 6,000 RARI

Disbursed: 3,000 RARI (currently locked in a Hedgey ‘token claim’ contract), remaining 3,000 RARI to be distributed to us. The 6,000 RARI is set to unlock on July 23rd, 2024.

Safe Address: 0xb40f4ce59dA4A0B6D10aE605E10FD4E6ca9Ed4Ae

Proposal: Tally | Rari DAO | Creator Economy Working Group Proposal

Project Overview: Our project, funded by the Rari Foundation, aimed to enhance community engagement through the “Beyond PFPs” podcast. This initiative explored diverse applications of the Rarible open-source NFT protocol, leveraging a hybrid format of roundtable podcasts and Twitter Spaces. The primary focus was to discuss how NFTs can disrupt traditional industries by showcasing innovative use cases. Through these discussions, we aimed to inspire the creation of new NFTs and foster strategic partnerships between the projects featured on our podcast and the Rarible Protocol/Rari Chain.

Milestones Achieved:

  1. Podcast Production:
  • We successfully created 12 episodes of the “Beyond PFPs” podcast.
  • Each episode was hosted live as a Twitter Space, and recorded for post-production.
  • Full episodes were uploaded to our YouTube channel.
  • Produced and uploaded 41 YouTube Shorts, with an average of 208 views per short, peaking at 438 views.
  1. Community Engagement:
  • Our Twitter Spaces collectively attracted 493 attendees.
  • Notable episodes include:
    • Episode 11 (Open Campus & Bankless Academy): 74 attendees.
    • Episode 12 (ZKX): 55 attendees.
    • Episode 1 (ApeCoin & Pudgy Penguins): 52 attendees.
  • These sessions fostered rich discussions on innovative NFT applications.
  1. Content and Business Development:
  • We documented numerous NFT use cases, which are accessible in this Google Doc.
  • Facilitated connections for strategic partnerships, such as introducing Kwenta to Rari Foundation member Stephen for potential collaborations.

Metrics Impacted:

  1. Viewership and Reach:
  • Our YouTube channel accumulated over 8,500 views for our Short form clips.
  • We maintained consistent engagement across platforms, increasing the visibility of the Rarible protocol.
  1. Community Feedback:
  • We received positive feedback from attendees and podcast listeners, with active participation during Twitter Spaces.
  • Our discussions highlighted innovative NFT use cases, encouraging broader adoption and creative applications.
  1. Strategic Partnerships:
  • We engaged with various projects, fostering potential collaborations and partnerships to further Rarible’s ecosystem.

Current Status and Next Steps:

  • We have met all initial milestones, with 12 episodes produced, edited, and published across multiple platforms.
  • We are currently awaiting the release of the remaining 3,000 RARI on July 23, 2024, which will further support ongoing and future initiatives.

Summary: The OSPN “Beyond PFPs” podcast initiative met all milestones for project completion. With decent engagement on our short-form media and impactful content, we are well-positioned to continue our trajectory of fostering community engagement and innovative use of the Rarible protocol.

Links to Relevant Content:

We appreciate the continued support from the Rari Foundation and look forward to unlocking the remaining grant to further our collaborative goals.

Best Regards,

OSPN - Open Source Peoples Network


Hey @jarisjames, thanks for the update, I hope all grantees provide milestone feedback using your template. Do you have any plans to continue the OSPN podcast? The guests and dialogues were always top tier :fire:


Thanks @Sixty

We plan to continue the OSPN podcast, and will be creating new content soon. The theme of our next series will be on web3 educational tutorials, to show exactly how to use certain DAO tools.


This is great @jarisjames .
I love that you add links to Rari in every episode description. Would be super cool to see a small insert in the middle of the episodes to talk a bit more about Rari :slight_smile:

Also, I was thinking of this:

I’m wondering if there have been any successful collaborations that have emerged from the twitter spaces. Or projects considering deploying on Rari after participating in these episodes or joining as listeners.

Thanks for the update and the initiative. Agree with @Sixty that milestones feedback like this are great for transparency and also making everybody aware of these projects.
Look forward to the next podcasts :+1:

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