Monthly DAO Reports

Hello everyone!

Our DAO and ecosystem is slowly taking shape! Reporting and Accountability are going to be important areas to focus on to ensure growth and success.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve started this reporting process. A very special thanks to Noah and Sarmad who helped coordinate this work, as well as to all members of Working Groups who are making the magic happen.

Below, you will find the Monthly DAO Report (v1). There’s a lot of room for improvement, and we’ve already started on the v2 template for next month, so please bear with us as we improve our process and refine what information to bubble up from a reporting point of view. Some of the changes to future reports will include:

  1. More focus on the working group outlooks
  2. More focus on data and numbers / budgets

If you have any other thoughts or comments, please include them below. Our aim is to have a lightweight report that each working group can deliver on a monthly basis, to keep RARI holders and other members of the DAO informed.


Hello Everyone!

October has come and gone. See below our monthly report:

Enjoy! And please let us know if you have any thoughts or comments.

Special thanks to everyone who contributed to this doc, definitely a team effort :slight_smile: