Dev Rel WG: FT Contributor G2

Hello, I’m Gawain Bracy II, but I prefer to go by G2.

I am a full-stack developer with 10 years of development experience.

I maintain a Bachelors of Computer Science degree.

Industries I worked for primarily include banking, insurance, and advertising agencies.

I’ve trained and led corporate engineering teams consisting of 5 - 8 developers.

My blockchain development experience began December 2020 where I’ve trained and led multiple hackathon teams to over $10,000 in winnings to date.

I’m proficient in React, Typescript, web3, Solidity, Subgraphs and IPFS technologies

I’ve worked with existing blockchain companies POAP, Daohaus and Snapshot.

Time Commitment
Furthermore, I can commit 40 hours a week to contribute to Rarible Protocol as “Support Engineer” within Dev-Rel WG.

Compensation: $10,000/month (w/ holidays and vacation included in our compensation package)
based on current compensation guidelines found here: Rarible Protocol Compensation guidelines

Wallet Address: 0x1Fde40a4046Eda0cA0539Dd6c77ABF8933B94260


Could you share your linkedin or resume or projects you’ve delivered on (github)?

Any hackathon projects you can share here?

How many years of professional dev experience do you have?



Developer experience 10 years
Portfolio: Gawain Bracy Portfolio
Blockchain Projects:
Goatcha · GitHub
boatcoin-hack · GitHub
Creative Platform · GitHub
snapshot-strategies/src/strategies/poap-with-weight at master · snapshot-labs/snapshot-strategies · GitHub

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I support this proposal!