Hello, I’m Gawain Bracy II, but I prefer to go by G2.
I am a full-stack developer with 10 years of development experience.
I maintain a Bachelors of Computer Science degree.
Industries I worked for primarily include banking, insurance, and advertising agencies.
I’ve trained and led corporate engineering teams consisting of 5 - 8 developers.
My blockchain development experience began December 2020 where I’ve trained and led multiple hackathon teams to over $10,000 in winnings to date.
I’m proficient in React, Typescript, web3, Solidity, Subgraphs and IPFS technologies
I’ve worked with existing blockchain companies POAP, Daohaus and Snapshot.
Time Commitment
Furthermore, I can commit 40 hours a week to contribute to Rarible Protocol as “Support Engineer” within Dev-Rel WG.
Compensation: $10,000/month (w/ holidays and vacation included in our compensation package)
based on current compensation guidelines found here: Rarible Protocol Compensation guidelines
Wallet Address: 0x1Fde40a4046Eda0cA0539Dd6c77ABF8933B94260