StableLab Delegate Thread


Name: StableLab
Delegate Address: stablelab.eth
Tally Profile URL: Tally | stablelab.eth
Governance tracking: Boardroom , Internal tracker


StableLab is a governance firm focused on professional delegation, DAO framework design, and product development. We work with various projects, from the ones just starting their journey to decentralization to the most prominent DeFi protocols.

Our systematic framework for DAOs covers governance methodologies, decentralized workforce, implementation, documentation, communication, and community engagement. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, but we provide a framework of principles and tools we have developed throughout our experience.

We scale DAOs sustainably.


We are the leading professional delegate team with a track record across major DeFi protocols, including MakerDAO, Optimism, Aave, 1inch, Balancer, Element, InstaDapp, Hop, and more.

We pioneer delegation work through high governance standards, extensive research, hands-on expertise, and the consistent use of a code of conduct. Pushing forward web3 and DeFi since 2018, StableLab’s co-founders previously spent 3.5 years at the Maker Foundation.

View all of our proposals, votes, and milestones at /governance



  1. Active: We participate in every aspect of the governance process, from creating and presenting proposals to providing feedback in the forums and actively voting.
  2. Research: Our decisions are backed by a team of experienced researchers and PhDs.
  3. Trust: We act unbiased and transparent, according to our code of conduct - driven by a strong set of ethics and values.


  • Use values to guide actions.
  • Maintain impartiality and transparency in participation.
  • Rely on data, research and prior expertise for proposals and votes.
  • Apply battle-tested internal policies for consistency.
  • Consult with the team for quality outcomes.


Rari is the leader in NFT development and innovation. We believe their goal of simplifying the way developers work with NFTs is a vital aspect of helping the NFT industry grow. As Rarible continues to build a tremendous product we strive to grow and scale Rari governance to the next level by being an active delegate and community member implementing lean governance processes. Through our experience working in various other DAOs we’re excited to help the Rari DAO mature and decentralize in a safe and effective manner.


Through our holding company, we have invested in multiple projects to advance growth and governance for them. See the full list here.

We contribute to various protocols’ governance, such as MakerDAO, Optimism, Aave, 1inch, Balancer, and Element. See the full list here.

When applicable, we will disclose potential conflicts of interest in our rationale.


By delegating to StableLab, you acknowledge and agree that StableLab participates on a best-efforts basis and StableLab will not be liable for any form of damages related to StableLab’s participation in governance.


Proposal: RRC-12: RARI Ecosystem Growth Fund

Vote: For


StableLab supports RRC-12 for the following reasons:

  1. Reasonable Budget

While 1.4 million $RARI is a substantial portion of the treasury (about 10%), we think this is a worthwhile spend as it will drive lots of value back to the DAO. Bringing new builders and partners to Rari will hopefully increase the value of $RARI as more people will begin to use the Rari SDK and want to have a say in the direction of the Ecosystem. This will lead to an added value for token holders and DAO members that will outweigh this initial cost of 1.4M $RARI.

  1. Transparent Quarterly Reports

We believe the quarterly reports will be essential to the success of this proposal. It is vital that the community remain updated with the progress of this fund. This helps to keep the foundation accountable for this large sum of funding. It also adds extra excitement as the community learns which new and innovative builders join the ecosystem.

  1. Community Involvement With Grants Program

The proposal mentions the Foundation would “engage the community in grant recipient selection.” We think this is a great idea as it will help the community have a greater say in the process and help to create more enthusiasm surrounding the fund.


Proposal: RRC-13: Delegation Incentives Program

Vote: Yes

Rationale: We believe this will help strengthen RARI by attracting more RARI delegations and helping to align delegates

Proposal: RRC - 15: Glambase Integration with RARI Chain

Vote: No

Rationale: Our full rationale can be seen here: RRC - 15: Pre-Vote Discussion on Glambase Integration with RARI Chain - #8 by Matt_StableLab

Proposal: Creator Economy Working Group Proposal

Vote: Yes

Rationale: StableLab supports this proposal as we believe it will help spread awareness about Rari. We support the team involved in this working group as they have been very involved in RARI governance and will do a great job creating content about RARI features.

Proposal: RRC-14: Continuation of Rarible Protocol Transfer to Community

Vote: Yes

Rationale: StableLab supports Rari’s dedication to decentralizing the protocol by transferring it to the community. We are excited to continue sitting on the security council with the 2 new members.


Proposal: RRC-16: RARI Foundation 2024 Operational Budget Vote onchain

Vote: For

Rationale: See StableLab’s full reasoning here RRC-16: RARI Foundation 2024 Operational Budget - #4 by Matt_StableLab

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Proposal: RRC-18 Raise Proposal Quorum

Vote: For

Rationale: As the author of the proposal StableLab supports RRC-18 and believes it will help protect the RARI DAO

Proposal: RRC-17: Distribute remainder of Incentives Reward Program budget

Vote: For

Rationale: StableLab supports distributing the remainder of the incentives rewards to those who delegated

Proposal: RRC-19 Rari Chain Sequencer Revenue Split

Vote: For

Rationale: StableLab supports this split as it ensures a fair distribution of resources between the RARI DAO and the Foundation, fostering sustainability and growth for both entities.


Proposal: RRC-20 Utilization of 2023 Budget Surplus

Vote: For

Rationale: StableLab supports the Rari Foundation keeping the budget surplus in stablecoins in order to pay vendors without needing to convert Rari at unfavorable rates. We also support utilizing some of the surplus for safe yield generation in order to get some kind of return on the treasury assets.

Proposal: RRC-22: DAO Treasury Diversification PlanVote onchain

Vote: For

Rationale: StableLab supports diversifying the RARI treasury partially into stablecoins to generate yield through different investment strategies. This will hopefully help improve the financial position of the DAO and help promote long term sustainability.

Proposal: RRC-23 Framework for setting up a working group

Vote: For

Rationale: StableLab supports this proposal to outline clear guidelines to create new working groups, enhancing efficient and effective collaboration within the DAO.

Proposal: RRC-25 Lock-up revision for Ecosystem Grants

Vote: For

Rationale: We support this proposal to revise the lock-up period for $RARI tokens awarded through the Ecosystem Grants Program. Removing the lock-up period after full project delivery and allowing case-by-case evaluations for upfront fund access will attract more established projects, reduce barriers for funding, and ensure timely project completion.

RRC-24 Empowering Latin American Artists Through Art

Vote: Yes

Rationale: StableLab supports this proposal to empower Latin American artists through the integration of the RARIBLE platform. This initiative aims to create a welcoming environment for artists, facilitating cultural exchange and the adoption of RARIBLE and the RARI Chain.

RRC-27 Proposal: Repurposing Legacy Wallet

Vote: Yes

Rationale: StableLab supports this proposal to reclaim unclaimed tokens from the legacy wallet and reallocate them towards the growth and sustainability of the RARI ecosystem. The structured approach to fund distribution and the commitment to regular reporting by the RARI Foundation ensure accountability and effectiveness in utilizing these resources for the DAO’s long-term benefit.

RRC-28 Implementing a RARI Protocol Fee

Vote: Yes

Rationale: StableLab supports this proposal to introduce a 0.5% protocol fee structure for the Rarible protocol, with all generated revenue directed to the RARI DAO treasury. This fee structure will significantly enhance the financial sustainability and autonomy of the DAO.

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