RRC-27: Trial run a Governance Working Group

Here is an updated version of the proposal based on the latest round of feedback. An overview of changes can be found below:

  • reduced the scope of governance participation goal inorder to focus the efforts of the group towards a more realistic task description and measurable output
  • narrowed down the scope of KPIs to updating governance documentation, collaborating with the foundation and suggesting next steps for DAO governance.


This proposal advocates for the establishment of a 3 month trial of a Governance Working Group (GWG) within RARI DAO with the main goal of increasing the execution power of the DAO. The GWG will play a crucial role in moderating discourse, resolving disputes, maintain tooling and documentation and ultimately a training and testing ground for delegate led governance


Governance today is primarily funded by the RARI foundations operational budget and facilitated through service providers & a community lead. While this approach offers a decent starting ground, the ideal state for the governance of the DAO is when it’s run by it’s delegates and funded directly by the DAO. In order to reach this state, the DAO should experiment by giving an increasing amount of responsibilities to delegates over time, test results and iterate. The WG framework offers a great playground to test such initiatives and ultimately plan and deploy a progressive decentralisation strategy.


The formation of the GWG is rooted in the acknowledgment of the dynamic nature of decentralized governance & the imperative to adapt and evolve accordingly. By consolidating expertise and dedicating resources to governance-related tasks, RARI DAO can mitigate risks, optimise resource allocation & enhance overall community participation. The GWG will serve as a catalyst for positive change, driving innovation, efficiency & inclusivity in the governance processes of RARI DAO.



  1. Governance Participation
  • Propose updates, incentives & metrics-based strategies to maintain and grow active governance participants
  1. Governance Operations
  • Develop, maintain, and regularly update governance onboarding process to facilitate the seamless integration of new members into the DAO.
  • Maintain, research & upgrade governance tooling to facilitate smooth governance operations
  1. Governance Documentation
  • Establish, monitor, and enforce governance documentation, and explore developing a constitution, bylaws, and a code of conduct.
  • Continuously update governance documentation to reflect evolving community needs and best practices.
  1. Moderation & Dispute Resolution
  • Proactively moderate discourse to filter out offensive, poorly defined, or spammy proposals.
  • Serve as mediators to assist in resolving disputes and conflicts within the community.


During the course of the trial period, tasks will be progressively allocated to delegates incharge of operations from the foundation to the DAO. A final report on the feasibility of this approach will be written and published at the end of the trial period


  • host any additional community calls needed outside of the 2 monthly foundation calls and create a plan to smoothly transition some governance responsibility from the foundation to the WG
  • review and update all governance documents
  • provide a research report into how other DAOs have increase governance participation and/or improved governance structures


Positive feedback from foundation & delegates about DAO led Governance operations

Multi-sig policies

  • Assuming a 4 member squad, the multi-sig will be structured as 3 out of 4
  • 50% compensation will be paid after 2 months
  • 50% compensation will be paid upon submission of a report to the DAO at the end of the trial period
  • Any leftover funds can be claimed as bonus by the squad upon fulfilling the goals stated in this proposal
  • Multi-sig address: 0x2a39B257d4D62e212a1b6CdB07e54661293b04F2

Roles & responsibilities of each member

Steward/Operations Lead: @jengajojo

Oversees the group, coordinates tasks, leads allocation and execution of operations and ensures milestones are met

Advisor: StableLab/@Matt_Stablelab

Appointed by the foundation as advises on all things governance

Foundation Operator: @addie

Appointed by the foundation to lead & deliver parts of governance operations

Scribe & Ops Co-lead: @winverse

Prepares detailed documentation and assists in governance operations whenever needed


Role Quantity Compensation (RARI)
Steward & Ops Lead 1 4000
Advisor 1 1000
Foundation representative 1 0
Scribe & Ops Co-lead 1 4000
Buffer 1000
Total 10000
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Thanks for trucking this one @jengajojo

Wanted to share my comments and feedback following today’s Governance call:

  • I agree with the idea of narrowing the scope of the Working Group’s goals.
  • I believe that increasing Governance Participation should remain a priority in this first iteration of the Governance Working Group.
  • We should establish clear, quantifiable KPIs, such as:
    • What is our current avg Governance participation?
    • Where do we aim for Governance participation to be by the end of the WG’s term?
    • What documents are currently missing from the Governance framework that will be produced?

Overall, I support the Governance Working Group initiative. I just prefer to evaluate it in terms of ROI. Define measurable outcomes that will demonstrate that the investment was worthwhile.